Organization Visit Assessment; Uncovering the Inner Workings of GRACARO

MINAS and GRACARO Delegates

The Divisional delegate for social affairs mezam, Mr Kwende Cliff and his team paid a one-day visit to GRACARO Friday 26 January 2024 to evaluate their activities and how far they have been able to thrive as an organization.

The visit was geared at controlling structures as the divisional delegate pointed out that, visiting organizations at a time as this is to see how far they’ve gone, challenges faced, and what can be done as a solution.

Group Picture

The CEO of GRACARO, Mr Chiabi Martin reveals they are presently in Mezam I, II and III and are as well doing some work in Bafut, Donga Mantung, Menchum, Noni, Boyo, Njinikom and Belo to name these.

As part of the discourse, he reveals a summary of what they have been able to realize as an organization in the previous year, 2023.

“We had as main objective to start a training center and get a new office which was a success,

Relationship with the regional assembly and we had a project with them to plant trees in the seven divisions of the region,

Partake in the validation of the regional development plan for the region which created a lot of impact. The regional delegate of MINEPAT had to visit us,

Bring volunteers; we saw a need to increase our workforce. Some areas were dormant so we needed to bring people in,


Host foreign volunteers from France for one month,

Back to school project; involve those that could not continue school in skill acquisition,

Acquire a two-room house for some children coming from Bena Kuma to stay and learn a trade” to name these

He furthers that, there were a lot of challenges but the focus was not on that because in the midst of all these, God was still present.

It was a moment of interaction as the volunteers present were privileged to take part in the discourse. Through this, they hope that, in the up coming seminars, they would be invited to gain more insights on what MINAT is able to do as an organization and to as well include them in some of their activities.





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