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Back To School Campaign; Empowering Hope

Back to School Campaign

Every year as the academic year is about to begin, there is always a lot of anticipation and excitement as children around the world prepare to go to school. However, there are some vulnerable persons who see the idea of going to school as a dream. These persons are; Orphans, Persons with disabilities, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), and Indigenous people in the society.

Back to school campaigns are essential initiatives that aims to ensure that the vulnerable can resume their education. By focusing on education, back to school campaigns empower these persons with the tools they need to rebuild their lives and work towards a brighter future.

The vulnerable always face numerous obstacles when it comes to accessing education. IDPs face numerous obstacles when it comes to accessing education. Displacement often leads to loss of documentation, separation from families, and limited financial resources.

Distribution of Writing Material

Conflicts have distorted the education of many. This has caused organizations to mount efforts and work tirelessly to ensure that these children have the opportunity to receive an education and rebuild their lives.

Grace Charitable and Rehabilitation Organization (GRACARO) is one of those organizations that has made this a dream come through by ensuring that they always put smiles on their faces. The organization supports these persons with learning materials, fees, birth certificates just to name these to ensure that no one is left behind.

This initiative is a blessing to many as some beneficiaries say, “I feel blessed to have been chosen as one of the beneficiaries of GRACARO. I want to complete my education and I wish that the organization would continue helping us till we are able to realize our dream”.


Education is not just a fundamental right. It is a lifeline for those affected by displacements and the vulnerable in the society as it provides a sense of stability and hope for a brighter future. It as well equips them with the necessary skills to rebuild their communities, break the cycle of poverty and contribute to the community.

Back to school campaigns are beacons of hope, empowering these children to overcome adversity and shape their own destinies. Together, we can empower hope and ensure that every child’s right to education is realized, regardless of their circumstances.


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