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Interview Session

In an attempt to keep the organization growing and running at a fast pace and also to help young graduates gain some practical experience, GRACARO launched a call for application for volunteering. Those who were pre selected for the position of a grant writer and finance officer were interviewed successfully. This was at the GRACARO head office on Saturday March 30 2024.

Moment of Interaction

It was a one-on-one interaction between the jury who are staff of the organization and the candidates. The interviewees gave a brief introduction about themselves and why they want to volunteer. The top reason was to bring about change in the community and gain experience which ties with the vision of GRACARO.
Other issues discussed were their level of commitment, availability and their motivations amongst others.
These two positions are of utmost importance to the organization. It is through grant writing that the organization would be able to get funding. On the part of the finance officer, as an organization, there are supposed to be track records of all the expenses of the organizations spending for proof of what the organization has been able to realize over the years.

Grading Interviewee’s Performance

Interviewing volunteers has been seen to be an essential step in building a dedicated and effective team for the organization as this has been able to work well for the pioneer batch of volunteers who took mandate in January till present. By following these strategies, we can be sure of selecting volunteers who are passionate, committed, and aligned with the organization’s goals. A well-executed interview session sets the stage for successful hiring decisions and fosters a positive candidate experience.


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