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Empowering Civil Society Organizations: GRACARO Hosts Capacity Building Workshop

In an effort to strengthen the capacity of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Common Initiative Groups (CIGs), create a platform for greater impact and foster their vital role in society, GRACARO is organizing a capacity Building Workshop come April 17 2024 Bamenda.. The theme of the event is: “Starting and Sustaining CSOs in Cameroon for Impact”. The event is aimed to equip leaders and organizations with the necessary skills, knowledge, tools, strategies and resources needed to effectively establish and sustain their organization and to effectively address pressing social issues and drive positive change. With a diverse range of participants expected to be present and a focus on practical learning, the training workshop is going to be a valuable platform for networking, collaboration and empowerment.

The key benefit attending such capacity building workshop as a leader is the opportunity to learn from experts in the field of CSO management. Participants will have the chance to gain insights and knowledge from their expertise, which can help navigate the challenges and obstacles that come with running a CSO in Cameroon.
Building a strong network of like-minded individuals is one of the benefits behind attending the workshop, as it would provide participants with valuable support and resources that can help grow and sustain their respective organizations. They will be able to have the chance to share ideas, best practices, and learn from the experiences of others, which can be invaluable in the growth of the different organizations.

It is also an opportunity to provide participants with practical skills and tools to immediately apply in the different organizations. From fundraising strategies to program development, the workshop would cover a wide range of topics that are essential for the success of a CSO. Participants would leave the workshop with a concrete action plan that can be implemented to improve the sustainability and impact of the various organizations.
As a leader of a CSO, it is crucial to continuously build capacity and sills to ensure long-term success of your organization.
The workshop will serve as a stepping stone for CSOs to continue making a meaningful impact and contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society.

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