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Promoting Global Health: GRACARO Hosts Informative Talk Concerning World Health Day

GRACARO Staff at CBC Radio Bamenda

On the occasion of World Health Day, which is observed annually on April 7th, GRACARO took the initiative to host a talk at CBC Radio, Bamenda on Wednesday, April 10 2024. The talk was to raise awareness about a disease transferred from animals to humans, called “Zoonotic Diseases”. It was geared towards promoting conversation on improving overall well-being. With the theme, “My Health, My Right”, GRACARO aims to sensitize the population on healthy practices such as access to portable water, hygiene and sanitation, as well as nutrition.

Recognizing the power of radio as a widespread and accessible medium, GRACARO collaborated with a renowned radio station here in Bamenda to reach a diverse audience. The talk was broadcasted live, allowing individuals from different backgrounds, including those with limited access to other sources of information, to tune in and participate actively.


Radio Talk

To ensure a comprehensive and informative discussion, GRACARO invited a vertinarian, Awambeng Theophile. This contributed to a rich conversation centered on zoonotic diseases. He stressed on the significance of preventive measures of zoonotic diseases which are vaccinations and regular checkups of the pets we live with so as to maintain good health.

Awambeng Theophile

As the talk came to a close, the panelists, which are staff of GRACARO advised parents to be mindful of the type of pets their children play with, and to always ensure that they wash their hands after touching substances containing faeces, urine, and vomit of pets. We should also be mindful of the way we interact with pets of our neighbors and friends since we are not sure if it has been vaccinated or not. Common zoonotic diseases are; Rabies, Ebola, and Tuberculosis to name these.

Moving forward, GRACARO remains dedicated to promoting global health and well-being. We plan to continue hosting similar events, collaborating with various media platforms, and engaging with communities to ensure that vital health information reaches every corner of society.


GRACARO took the initiative this day, April 10 to host an engaging talk at a local radio station, in commemoration of World Health Day. This was aimed at raising awareness and promoting dialogue about zoonotic diseases which a lot of people are still unaware about. By leveraging the power of radio, we successfully reached a diverse audience, fostering a collective commitment to building a healthier future. Through informative discussions, expert insights, and active listening participation, the event served as a catalyst for positive change in individual and community health behaviors. As we move forward, GRACARO remains steadfast in its mission to promote global health and contribute to a healthier world for all.

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