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Organizational Evaluation of Network Assessments


The CEO of Grace Charitable and Rehabilitation Organization (GRACARO), Mr Chiabi Martin called on a one-day meeting at the GRACARO office, up station Bamenda Saturday 3rd Febraury to discuss on organizational networking.

Organizations present were FACIA, STRESSORS and SIWOG. The main aim of the meeting was to discuss on strategies to be put in place for the network to be impactful for all.

GRACARO had as objective in February to carryout assessment in different organizations, 5 have been visited already and plan of action developed. The purpose was to discover strengths and weaknesses and come out with strategies to prepare better in future.

According to Mr Chiabi Martin, if the network is well set up, the organization can move to the next level. Taking a bold step to introduce what we can all sharpen ourselves to grow is what we aim at doing. In days ahead, we will share to various organizations to see what they can work on.

Group Picture

He furthers that, no matter what you know and what you have been doing, there’s no way you will come in contact with somebody and you will not learn. There are many things to learn in a network. When you are not focused in the capacity building of an organization, it disqualifies you from networking; that is, if your only objective is money. We need to have people before thinking of what we can be doing.

He reiterates on Institutional and operational capacity which according to him is what makes you recognize you have an organization. Before someone gets in, you must be able to pitch your vision. Also, study your internal rules and regulations and know how to use them.

The meeting rounded off with the CEO of GRACARO urging the CEOs of the organizations present to register so as to be the founding members of the network and advice that, they all need websites for visibility as well as professional emails and bank accounts with their organization name inclusive.





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