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Promoting Safety and Health at Work: Celebrating International Day at GRACARO

Workplace safety and employee well-being are vital aspects that every organization should prioritize. As part of its commitment to ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, GRACARO joined the global community in commemorating the International Day of Safety and Health at work. In line with this significant occasion, GRACARO took the opportunity to spread awareness and discuss about workplace safety focusing on the theme of this year: Impacts of Climate Change on Occupational Safety and Health through a captivating radio talk.

On the occasion of the International Day of Safety and Health at work, GRACARO recognized the importance of fostering a culture of safety within the workplace especially regarding climate change. Climate change disrupts weather patterns, posing significant risks to worker safety and health globally. These risks include; heat stress where rising temperatures can lead to heat exhaustion and stroke, particularly for outdoor workers, worsened air pollution where climate change can exacerbate existing air pollution or create new sources, leading to respiratory problems for workers as well as extreme weather events such as floods, and other severe weather events which can cause workplace accidents and injuries. To amplify its efforts and reach a wider audience, GRACARO collaborated with CBC Radio, Bamenda to host a radio talk. The radio talk aimed to educate and engage listeners on various aspects of workplace safety, including prevention measures, risk management, and employee well-being.

GRACARO Staff at CBC Radio


The discussions highlighted the potential risks and hazards faced by employees across different industries and emphasized the need for proactive measures to promote individual well-being. The talk show aimed to inspire individuals to prioritize safety in their workplaces and take responsibility for their own well-being.

As the radio talk show concluded, GRACARO reiterated its commitment to ensuring the well-being of safety of its employees. It encouraged other organizations, listeners, and the wider community to embrace a proactive approach towards workplace safety. By working together, organizations and individuals can create healthier and safer work environments, thereby enhancing productivity, and promoting the overall well-being of employees.

Radio Talk Session


The International Day for Safety and Health at work provided GRACARO with an excellent opportunity to spread awareness and engage in meaningful discussions about workplace safety through a radio talk show. By collaborating with experts and actively involving the audience, GRACARO successfully highlighted the importance of prioritizing safety and health at work. Through its efforts, GRACARO hopes to inspire others to adopt similar initiatives and promote a culture of safety to create a better working environment for all.

Creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment should not be done only once a year on World Day for Health and Safety at work. It should be a priority for organizations all year round. Employees who feel safe and valued are more productive, engaged, and loyal to their employer. However, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment requires ongoing effort and attention.

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