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An Inside Perspective of GRACARO’s Experience at a Choco Making Workshop

Network of Women Led CSOs in Cameroon (NOWELEC), a renowned organization which advocates for the rights of women and women empowerment, organized an enlightening training program to teach and inspire women to embark on the extraordinary journey of crafting their own chocolates, Matina, and groundnut paste. As a fortunate invitee, GRACARO had the opportunity to be part of the training and participated in some of the activities.

Ongoing Workshop Session
Production Process

The training aimed to demystify the art of chocolate, Matina, and groundnut paste making. The training aimed to empower the attendees with the techniques to produce the above mentioned so that they can be able to make their own home-made production, as well as take the knowledge back to their communities to empower others.

The true highlight of the training was the hands-on experience. Equipped with aprons, head scarfs, and high-quality chocolate ingredients as well as ingredients for groundnut paste, we embarked on our chocolate and groundnut paste making adventure. The organizers guided us through each step, patiently explaining the techniques required to achieve perfection.

Production Process

For Matina, we began by sieving the cocoa powder, pour powder milk as well as sugar to give us Matina.

For chocolate, we began by mixing the cocoa powder and milk together with one lire of water, added sugar then kept on moderate heat where it was stirred for about 15-30 minutes. We were thought that when it starts bubbling, you remove from the fire, put oil gently and stir and you can as well add vanilla flavor.

For the groundnut paste, grind fried groundnut, mix with water, add salt and prepare on the fire where you add oil and put in a pot then add cold water when dry.

In addition to the hands-on activities, the workshop provided ample opportunities for networking and collaboration among the participants. Some of the participants share their views on how they would use the knowledge gained with GRACARO not being an exception.

“I came here to learn how to make Matina, chocolate and groundnut paste. I have gained knowledge which is going to help me produce these things on my own to save the cost of always buying. I would as well use the knowledge as an organization to educate other people out there and train them on how they can as well produce for themselves.”. Fozao Vaniela (Grace Charitable and Rehabilitation Organization, (GRACARO).

“The training today is very important and I like the lively skills they taught us. As a leader, I would take what I have learnt especially to the indigenous women. Some women in the grassroots are not able to meet up with opportunities like this. what I learnt today, I am taking it back to my rural women. The indigenous women. The Muslim women love tea. It is advantageous because they use a lot of money to buy Matina for their tea.  Hawe Bouba (Youths in Alternative Action Association, YIAA)

It was indeed an unforgettable journey, enlightening us in the intricacies of chocolate making and groundnut paste, while igniting a passion for the craft. As we bid farewell to the workshop, we left armed with newfound expertise and knowledge.

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