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GRACARO Hosts Evaluation Meeting for Concluded CSOs Workshop

Hosting about 20 members at the organization’s premise, up station Bamenda on Saturday 11 May 2024, GRACARO staff took out the time to explain the analysis from the workshop, drawn by the organization’s IT, Mr Wobyeb Graphlain.

Ongoing Evaluation
Mr Graphlain

As the evaluation unfolded, the CEO of GRACARO, Rev Chiabi Martin pointed out the importance of inclusiveness as he said, the point of being inclusive is not all about gender, feminism or religion. He said he is not against any inclusiveness but there should be clear description as to what you consider to be inclusiveness if not you can be jailed and it should be aligning with your vision and mission.

Rev Chiabi Martin

He furthers by enquiring participants reasons for making it to the evaluation as they responded as follows: To have the opportunity to learn, to learn from others and to follow the right path to grow, to collaborate to make sure that vision is understood, the way forward and to learn how to grow with the help of the other CSOs who are already ahead. It was indeed an interactive session as all participants were active and engaging.

Interactive Session

Madame Monica Keke spoke on challenges encountered during the workshop which included the following: Limited time, Poor time management, Registration came in late making the planning slow reasons why badges came in late and some never had pictures on it, Logistics, Spaces were not available for people to put their books and write, It was a kind of a one man show, (GRACARO handling everything).

Madam Monica Keke

Action points were later discussed which include: We need people to buy the visions, Networking with other organizations,  transmitting from an association to an organization, partnering with government organizations and some partners who are stakeholders,  breaking through in the world of startup organizations,  implementing a finance management package that will give access to the financial world,  plan on coming together with GRACARO and UNIMAC to come up with a psychosocial support for women in Bamenda, come up with one or two organizations to commemorate the world environment day that is coming up.

     By the end of the workshop, some recommendations were made as follows: This workshop should be taken to Divisional levels so that the knowledge can go to a greater population, Time should be well managed and more time for facilitators to teach than the interactive breaks, Money for registration should be increased, More days for the training, We should learn to invest time and not spend time, We should read the legal framework and re visit our ODPs (organizational development plans), ice breakers should be introduced, and  We should as well  set a team of representatives of CSOs who can always visit offices and stakeholders on our behalf

The CEO of GRCARO came up with a suggestion that we should join the impact alliance of the north west region so that Mr Christian can rather represent us since he’s well known.


Group Picture









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